1.5” HD
2.0” HD
2.5” HD
3.0” HD
4.0” HD
5.0” HD
Part Number Size (in. /mm) End Type Shipping Weight (lbs./Kg.)
S15HD 1.5/38 Hevi Duty 3.0 / 1.4
S20HD 2/50.8 Hevi Duty 4.8 / 2.2
S25HD 2.5/63.5 Hevi Duty 5.0 / 2.3
S30HD 3/76 Hevi Duty 8.5 / 3.9
S40HD 4/102 Hevi Duty 10.9 / 4.9
S50HD 5/127 Hevi Duty 13.5 / 6.1

1. Please confirm the flange size before placing the order.
2. Please pay attention to the thickness of the pipe
3. Please tell us the specific purchase quantity